jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2020

My future job

 Mmm... I still don't have clear in that I want to work in the future, but I'm sure that there are essencial  things that I hope to get when I have to choose my job.  

First, I would like to job in a place where I feel comfortable and happy. I think that  I will just get it working in a lab or similar something. I want to be proud of that I do and feel that I'm more a contribution than a hindrance.  Also, I would like to have a dinamyc job , I mean  I always have a chance to be better and I can keep studying. The worse that can happen to me is work only for money and I feeling comfortable with it. I think that is a problem in our country and for this (between other things) We continue to be a third world country also where there are many people with depression.

Mmm... also I would like to have free to make decisions, but that someone correct me sometimes. How to start with a master and after to be independent.

I believe that I'ts all that I search when I will be a professional, The especific job I still don't have clare as I said before, but for now (I'm in second year at the university), the most like is the investigation area,  It has all I said, except of a good salary, but I said that will not work for money jaja.