martes, 13 de octubre de 2020

A country I would like to visit

 Hello everybody! It wasn´t easy choose a country, because It's an unknown topic for me, but after I thought that  it is a great option choose Germany. I would like to visit Germany, because it is a country with a lot history with things good and bad, but very importants for understand the current world.

Probably, there are many things that to say about this country, but this list is enough for me:

- Greats scientist lived here as Einstein or Gauss. Also, It is a country that make science to high level.

- The art is very important for them and the music vibes in the streets.

- This country have an equiality education system to diference Chile.

About if I would like to live there maybe for a short time for learn about his culture and I can to enjoy of a new experience. But after I will return to Chile, because there is a lot that build here.

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