miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

My favourite cartoon

 My favourite cartoon is Naruto, in fact I was a fan in one moment of my life. I really liked his story, a kid that was a strange in his town and he was not accepted. All this for a mistery that  he was  unkonwn only for him . So he impose  a target that It is to be a Hokage, basically he wanted to be the leader of his town. I like it because he could get depressed for feeling alone, but he did the opposite, he became a great person to be accepted. 

There are many interesting characters, but I'm going to mention the most important ones. These are: Naruto (principal character), Sakura and Sasuke (Naruto's Best friends) and special mention to my favourite character Itachi.

Finally, I want to talk a little about the worst of this cartoon. Basically It is one thing, that It has a lot of filler episodes.

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